Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit is an experienced Toronto chiropractor and Stott Pilates Instructor

Dr. Darlene is effective with many people including athletes, NHL players, high-risk pregnancies, dancers, infants, active seniors. During treatments, she uses techniques ranging from craniosacral therapy, micro-adjustments, mobilizations, and adjustments. Trained in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, she focuses on achieving patient goals. Dr. Darlene is also trained in Active Release Techniques and Activator Technique, myofascial movement and rehabilitation principles to help heal injuries and correcting imbalances.

She obtained an IBCLC certification and training in pediatrics since having a tongue tied baby. Darlene uses evidence based manual therapy for infants, tongue ties, and breastfeeding ergonomics. She has presented at international conferences and published an abstract in a peer reviewed journal. As a Webster Certified chiropractor Dr. Darlene is passionate about empowering moms.

During classes/clinical Pilates, she challenges every body in a safe and fun environment. She is also certified in Hypopressives Low Pressure Fitness and Garuda, combining evidence-based rehabilitation help with complex conditions, chronic pain or acute injuries.

Dr. Darlene love for the ocean and desire to support ocean conservation has lead her to Grand Cayman.

Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit is an experienced Toronto chiropractor and Stott Pilates Instructor Dr. D... Read More

Tom is a highly experienced Physiotherapist specialising in the management of Musculoskeletal Injuries and Complex Pain Presentations.

He is a kind and thoughtful clinician with an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, who enjoys helping his patients understand the underlying causes of their symptoms.

He has a special interest in the management of shoulder/neck pain, running related injuries and neuropathic pain presentations.

When working with his clients Tom often combines education about their presentation with hands on manual therapy, exercise based rehabilitation strategies and other evidence based treatments. In so doing helping his patients improve their movement and reduce the symptoms of their presentation, before collaboratively developing a goal oriented treatment plan.

Tom previously worked as an Advanced Physiotherapist for the Ministry of Defence (MOD) at their prestigious National Rehabilitation Centre in the UK, where he led a multidisciplinary team of rehabilitaiton professionals alongside his medical colleagues to help patients recover from a variety of complex presentations. He has also worked as a Sports Physiotherapist for Chelsea Football Club, the England Lacrosse team and at several international sporting events, alongside gaining a broad range of experience within the National Health Service in the UK and with the rehabilitation team at HSA here in the Cayman Islands.

Complementing his clinical experience, Tom holds an MSc. in Advanced Clinical Practice, specialising in The Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries, which he completed in 2022 and qualified with a First Class degree in Physiotherapy from The Univeristy of Nottingham in 2012. He enjoys keeping abreast of and contributing toward the latest research in his field, personally supporting the development of three national clinical guidelines in the UK, developing novel rehabilitation technology with the MOD and presenting this work at several international conferences. His passion to help his patients live a healthy, active and pain free life shines through in every encounter he has with his clients. Helping empower them to surpass the goals they set for themselves.

Tom is a highly experienced Physiotherapist specialising in the management of Musculoskeletal Inj... Read More

With a wealth of experience in the art of healing, Philippe is an esteemed Registered Massage Therapist who brings a profound sense of wisdom to every session, with over 20 years of experience. Philippe’s intuitive touch and extensive knowledge of the body allows him to provide treatments that not only ease physical tension but also guide clients towards a path of holistic well-being.

With a wealth of experience in the art of healing, Philippe is an esteemed Registered Massage The... Read More

Kandiss graduated from the Institute of Traditional Medicine (Toronto) and has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine since 2010. As an Accountant turned Acupuncturist, Kandiss helps her clients connect with and work through their pain, stress and trauma so that they can move through life with more ease, grace and joy. Whether it be internal medicine-related (such as digestive, immune, endocrine, fertility and nervous system and sleep concerns) or musculoskeletal conditions (such as neck back and knee pain as well as pelvic health concerns), she helps clients tune into, and work with their bodies’ healing potential and inner guidance.

Kandiss graduated from the Institute of Traditional Medicine (Toronto) and has been practicing Ac... Read More

Ričardas’ life-long participation and passion for sports has fueled his desire to help athletes to get back to healthy movement. After graduating as a Physiotherapist in Lithuania, Ričardas gained most of his working experience treating contact and endurance sports injuries and helping athletes and non athletes rehabilitate after orthopedic surgeries. Using a variety of hands-on interventions in combination with exercises, Ričardas specializes in musculoskeletal injury management, particularly shoulder, lower back and lower limb presentations. Combining his unique treatment strategy with his attention to detail, Ricardas focuses on teaching his patients safe movement and breathing patterns for prevention of injury. Ričardas strongly emphasizes the benefits of physical activity to maintain optimal mental and physical health. He is passionate about helping people get back to their beloved activities and further their knowledge about the human body to maintain wellbeing.

Ričardas’ life-long participation and passion for sports has fueled his desire to help athletes t... Read More

Candice Langford is the clinical lead at The Well and a proficient physiotherapist specialising in the field of pelvic health. She bridges musculoskeletal physiotherapy with an extensive insight in pelvic health, enabling her to deliver holistic patient care across all life stages. Patients may present with; pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic girdle pain, postpartum recovery, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, persistent jaw, lower back or hip pain. Additional training in trauma, sex counselling and complex sexual pain, ensures a compassionate and psychologically informed approach to her care within a multidisciplinary team. With an unwavering commitment to continuous learning and education, Candice is currently pursuing a Master’s degree, focusing on pelvic pain following gynaecological cancers.

Candice’s passion for bridging the divide between research and patient awareness is evident in her various endeavours. She shares her knowledge on a global scale through international public speaking engagements, develops educational courses, and provides expert consultancy in the realm of pelvic health.

Candice strives to increase access to care by improving comfort and confidence in the field of pelvic health.

Candice Langford is the clinical lead at The Well and a proficient physiotherapist specialising i... Read More

Larissa is a skilled Biokineticist and Personal Trainer offering group and 1:1 personal training sessions. After completing three years of Human Movement Science, she furthered her studies in anatomy and physiology in order to help people with injuries or disabilities and went on to study Biokinetics. Larissa enjoys learning about the human body and behaviour - ranging from recovery of injury or illness to how we create good habits that help us improve our function and performance. Larissa believes that physical goals are not only achieved by efforts in the gym, but by the entirety of a well balanced lifestyle.

Larissa is a skilled Biokineticist and Personal Trainer offering group and 1:1 personal training ... Read More

Lily McLean is an experienced UK-trained physiotherapist who completed her Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy in the United Kingdom. She has furthered her training through specialised courses in sports rehabilitation, pre and postnatal care, and lymphoedema management.

Lily has been dedicated to the field of physiotherapy for nearly a decade and has been working in the Cayman Islands since 2017. She has a diverse background in treating sports and musculoskeletal injuries, having worked in hospital settings and private clinics, where she has honed her skills in providing comprehensive rehabilitation services to patients of all ages and backgrounds.

Lily’s expertise extends to various specialised areas. She has a strong affinity for working with athletes and has developed a particular focus on helping runners optimise their performance and recover from injuries. Additionally, Lily specialises in pre and postnatal care, assisting women with conditions such as mastitis as well as guiding them through a safe and effective return to physical activity postpartum. Furthermore, she is highly skilled in the physiotherapy management of lymphoedema, a chronic condition causing swelling, and collaborates closely with the Breast Cancer Foundation to support individuals in their post-breast cancer treatment journey.

 Lily is deeply committed to patient education and empowerment. She utilises an evidence-based approach to her treatment and actively engages in educating her patients throughout their physiotherapy journeys, providing them with the knowledge and tools to take proactive care of their bodies.

Lily McLean is an experienced UK-trained physiotherapist who completed her Bachelor of Science in... Read More

Renae (She/Her) holds a Master of Education with a Counselling Specialization, a Diploma in Addiction Medicine and is currently completing her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Renae is an avid academic, performing at the top of her class and is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. She is fully licensed and registered with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), the Health Practice Commission (Cayman Islands) and is a member of the Jamaican Psychological Society. She has over 10 years of clinical experience across various settings including public schools, correctional facilities, non-profit organizations and government entities. Renae has a special interest in providing holistic care; integrating interventions to assist in healing both mind and body to improve well-being, lower stress and help reduce trauma responses. She has vast experience working with individuals battling anxiety disorders, difficulties managing stress and those who may need additional support for unresolved trauma(s). Renae spent several years working with Indigenous populations in Northern Canada and has been known to incorporate traditional healing practices learned from this culture into clinical practice. Having a vast repertoire of experience, education, training and certifications allows her to offer interventions curated to meet the specific needs of each client. She has recently developed a keen interest in psychoneuroimmunology (the interactions between psychological processes and the immune, endocrine, central, and peripheral nervous systems) and is excited to use knowledge learned from research in this area to better assist her clients, particularly those battling chronic health conditions (e.g. obesity and metabolic disorders that are often associated with it (e.g. diabetes and cardiovascular disease), cancer, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, etc.) and chronic pain. Sessions with Renae may include the following therapeutic interventions/modalities: TF-CBT, ACT, EMDR, DBT, Mindfulness, Narrative Therapy, Somatic-based interventions, Relaxation techniques, Guided Meditation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR), Autogenic Training, Breathwork, Psychodrama, Clinical Hypnotherapy and more.

Renae (She/Her) holds a Master of Education with a Counselling Specialization, a Diploma in Addic... Read More

Jessica graduated in the UK as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 2003 and has gained a wealth of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal experience in both busy NHS teaching hospitals and the private sector. Jessica has extensive experience in treating a variety of musculoskeletal injuries from postural- related issues to sports injuries. She has developed her interests in post and pre operative breast cancer care and lymphoedema management, liaising often with the Breast Cancer Foundation to provide patients with a multidisciplinary approach to their care. Jessica uses both pilates based methods and acupuncture in her treatment sessions, incorporating these techniques with her manual skills to provide patients with optimal outcomes, enabling them to achieve their goals.

Jessica graduated in the UK as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 2003 and has gained a wealth of ort... Read More

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